It’s been an interesting year in very many ways, but I decided to use Tax Day to look back at what’s most important. My hair.

Yeah, I know. I haven’t updated my blog in something like 5 months, and now I’m back talking about my hair. That’s how I roll. Besides, lookit:

A year ago, 6 months ago, and a week or so ago

in thirteen or so months, I’ve gone from metrosexual wannabe to a William Shakespeare impersonator, with a pitstop trying out for Beck’s band in between. I also stopped coloring my hair, so there’s that.

While we’re talking about me, check out this photo my friend Jim Tanous took at Cirque du Mac 11 from the year’s Macworld/iWorld. If you like it, we posted a whole gallery of his photos of the Macworld All Star Band at The Mac Observer. Jim is a heckuva a photographer, a gifted writer, and a great guy.

Bryan at Cirque du Mac 11

Other than growing out my silver mane and picking on a gitfiddle, I’ve spent the last several months polishing my novel and writing a new last chapter after feedback from some of my beta readers. I’ll have more to say on that later, but suffice it to say that I’m still working on it.

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