I think I should probably catch you up a bit, because there have been a lot of big changes for me since I was regularly posting here in…what? 2008? It’s been a while.
In 2009, Darla and I had to put down Chandler Bing, my (he had become our) Yellow Lab. A couple of months later, Darla and I divorced. The Country Music Standards & Essentials Bureau contacted me shortly thereafter letting me know my life was officially eligible to be a bad country song with the proviso that it would behoove me should anything unfortunate befall my car within a 90-day period.

In 2009, The Atomic Love Bombs released its first CD, Let It Burn. It is a great album, and I was proud to be a part of it, but in 2010, I left the band. We were working on some great songs—Joe’s an amazing songwriter—and you can hear one of them, “Sol Invictus,” on the band’s Facebook page. It’s a great song and hopefully they will record more.
In theory, I’m working on a solo project. Though it might be something I do with friends around the country. I’ve been writing songs for the project, but recording it is awaiting time and access to a studio. Perhaps in the next year…
In 2010, I contributed to iPad All-In-One for Dummies (I wrote the book-within-a-book on apps for the first edition) by Nancy Muir, and co-wrote Incredible iPad Apps for Dummies with Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus.
In 2011, I let myself look like this:

I know, it’s hard to tell if I’m a professor at U.C. Berkeley, or the homeless guy going through his garbage.
In 2011, online poker vanished in a puff of zealous DA (with a side whiff of FullTilt corruption), leaving me with a lot of time on my hand. So, I started a SciFi novel two weeks after Black Friday. It’s untitled, but it is essentially finished and in the hands of my beta readers. I’m beginning the process of finding an agent, though I am also toying with the idea of self-publishing. I’ll be posting more on this as we go.
Speaking of beta readers, I have some amazing friends, and have been introduced to some more amazing people. They have been instrumental in me getting even this far, and their encouragement played a major role in me pushing forward on writing it.
As it is, I am doing a final round of edits (before a publishing editor rips it to shreds and I have to do it all over again). I’ve also outlined and started writing book two (it’s a two-part series).
Which is why I am relaunching my personal site, GeekTells. Julie Kuehl helped me update WordPress and install this new theme from Back My Book. Thanks, Julie!
‘Sploding Poker image courtesy of Shutterstock.