Grits & Chops

I’m in the middle of an eight week self-imposed program of learning/cooking one new recipe per week. Well, not really the middle, this was the second week.

Anyway, I started off with chicken korma, because, you know, it was way above my cooking ability. Fortunately it worked out despite my lack of skills.

So for the second week, I went for The Pioneer Woman’s awesome Pork Chops with Apples & Creamy Bacon Cheese Grits.

This was an amazing dish, and the folks I was cooking for really enjoyed it. Better yet, I enjoyed it!

Grits & Chops

If you didn’t click through to the recipe, the grist are Charleston Grist ($17.99 at Amazon(!!)), which are amazing. They’re cooking with chicken broth, cream, bacon, and onions. I mean, come on!

The pork chops are cooked with apples, wine, a little vinegar, and maple syrup. Super tasty!

I’d cook either meal for a date (the korma or this meal), but I think this one might score some real points.

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