ZOMG, but Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is one of my guilty pleasures. First on Ancient Aliens and various standalone UFO specials, and now on his own show, a reboot of Leonard Nimoy’s In Search Of…I love this guy. In fact, if there’s a show on H2 where the answer to every question asked by the narrator is “No!” Mr. Tsoukoalos is probably involved, and I love them all.
Right now, I’m watching the In Search Of… episode dedicated to Puma Punku. This place fascinates me. I reject the conclusions reached on every show I’ve seen about the site—i.e. that aliens built it thousands of years ago—but it’s an amazing site.

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So, anyway. I’m fiddling about. I’m also fiddling about with the theme of my blog. I’m looking for something modern and modern that I can install myself. I haven’t found it yet, but you may see a few different looks here at GeekTells while I’m looking.
I’m also in the home stretch of my final edit on my book. I should be querying in a couple of weeks. That is, if I can stop fiddling about.