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What Exactly Does ‘Being Through’ Mean?

OK, I know I’ve said that I was finished with my novel a couple times, but this time it’s true! No, really! Actually, they were all true, but “through” is so relative. The first time I was “through,” it was finishing the story, getting that last word in Scrivener.

Stick a fork in it!

But from there came some heavy rounds of editing, followed by focusing on serious refinements. When I was “through” with that, the book went out to all my beta readers—and let me say again that you guys are beyond awesome—for as nit picky feedback as I could get.

As this was happening, I had more refinements for later in the story pop into my head, plus I got some great feedback (and an excellent copy edit from Dan). So, then it was time for one last start-to-finish edit.

Once I was “through” with that, I decided I wanted to make some changes to the prologue. This included some foundation changes to one of the military arms in my story. Then I had some other refinements for other parts of the story…

But now I’m through! No, really! I am actually happy with it. In fact, I plan no edits until a publishing editor tells me to make them. Of course, before I can get a publishing deal, I need that literary agent I’ve mentioned a couple of times, but that’s just nitpicking…

Assuming I get that agent, and then defy the odds and get a publishing deal, I will probably have a minimum of two more start-to-finish edits, but at some point I will even be through with those.

Now, all I need is a title.


While I wrestle with that and start the process of courting an agent, I have book two outlined—I just went over that outline and still like it, so that’s good—with the prologue at 95% written. I also started outlining an unrelated epic fantasy story I’d like to tackle after book two, but writing book two comes first.

Image made with help from Shutterstock.

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