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Author: Bryan Chaffin


Crack shall be a multipurpose word for this post. Really, I should make that cracked. I’ve had aces eight times in the last 14 hours

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One Week?

What the heck? I’m getting married in a week? ::blink:: It’s been such a long time coming, and I can’t wait. It’s truly amazing to

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My Biggest Leak

I’ll be the first to jump up and admit that I am a far, far better poker player today than I was a few years

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The Façade

It sometimes amazes me the depths of crappiness to which people can sink. This was brought to mind recently when I saw two different women

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Pride & Prejudice

How is it that the lameness quotient of my fellow Americans seems to be ever-increasing? A couple of weeks ago, Darla and I were bowling

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Clerks II

Quick note about a movie: Clerks II was pretty darned good. Darla had me watch the first one shortly before we left (didn’t much care

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It’s Hot

It’s hot. It’s not Texas hot. Texas hot sucks. But Bay Area hot is almost as bad because so few folks have AC. I don’t

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Apple’s Knockout Quarter

Zoinks! Apple turned in stellar quarterly results Wednesday, reporting its second highest revenue and earnings, which is not bad considering it’s the June quarter we’re

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