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Author: Bryan Chaffin

Something Goes Wrong

In writing, sometimes you just have to get back to basics. I’ve been banging my head against the wall for some time. It turns out

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Life Is…Getting Older

I got a notification from GoodReads the other day. It was an update letting me know that one of the authors I had tagged—George R.R.

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Civility & Discourse

It’s been a busy couple of weeks since my last post. The biggest thing has been the rollout of a new site design and engine

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Partially Stoked!

The title is a lie, because I am totally stoked! On Monday morning, I got my first request for a partial! That’s publishing speak for

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Rejection Letter #1!

Well, I’m no longer a virgin—I have received my first official rejection letter. She was nice about it, and everything; we aren’t a good fit.

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Trek Nation Is Awesome

I rewatched Trek Nation today, and was hit once again with how awesome it is. If you’re not familiar with it, Trek Nation is a

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With a Little Help…

I’ve gotten a lot of help from some amazing friends and colleagues getting my novel to where it is (that is, ready for an agent),

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Bryan Chaffin

Mountain View Cemetery

Not too long ago, I went to the Mountain View Cemetery to take some photos. This place was built in 1863 and was designed by  Frederick

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Bryan Chaffin

Catching Up

I think I should probably catch you up  a bit, because there have been a lot of big changes for me since I was regularly

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Grits & Chops
Bryan Chaffin

Grits & Chops!

I’m in the middle of an eight week self-imposed program of learning/cooking one new recipe per week. Well, not really the middle, this was the

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